Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Crossword 14/13

As always, comments are appreciated, either good or bad. All criticisms will be noted and will make efforts to improve future puzzles. I hope you enjoy this one.

(You may have noticed that I have not published puzzle 13. Well my grid can be found but I cannot access it. If it does show up, I will let you all be informed)

Interactive puzzle

1 Had clasp on her, so I heard (6)
5 Our Lea comes in very loud with a clover (4-4)
9 So resend it back they will be the one's to back (8)
10 The current money, in a manner of speaking (6)
11 Ad? (4, 6)
13 Up and down asking " Why oh why oh" (2-2)
14 Together, how is a week to prove who he is (3)
15 NAMA is one of these, in a wordy sort of way (8)
18 After the C, it’s a stun in got there (3'1)
19 Maybe near the hear or the oh pest (4)
21 Lamb of God who gave things to atone the bad side, in Latin (5, 3)
24 A mixed run but after all they got the vase (3)
25 After a century, do nothing but announce (4)
26 Pour gin in the vase without ‘e noticing and about to see the mists (10)
29 The twins may tell me my future (6)
30 Tickle one to play a note but I am a fool after all so I'll just have my nut (5, 3)
31 In a manner of speaking; as if such were so (2, 2, 4)
32 Left leg stretched, right leg stretched, both at 180 degrees for them (6)

2 The noun and our. By the sound if it set off, perhaps? (3-2)
3 The mound says "Oh five, oh fifty, oh!" (5)
4 He had a conservative past (7)
5 The face 'e 'as, like a soft tissue by the sound of it (7)
6 She is similar but the result says different (7)
7 Fortunate and random prizes are won with these (5, 4)
8 Can anyone sort this pest? (9)
12 By the first, neither N or O (3)
16 The non-drinking dwellers may wear a corsage, in a round about manner (9)
17 To begin, the firm is back on for about a list cut, and I am a follower (9)
20 Comes from the mouth of bill (7)
21 Give notice when very soft arise will be around back there (7)
22 Unreason without a. you confuse my impulses (7)
23 After C, follow in for stun follow. It's just crazy (3)
27 499 why? And a further two fifties; this doesn't seem like a poem after. But is (5)
28 Gee, my relative is bleak (5)

Crossword 13 news

Hi everyone,

Nearly completed with this puzzle but I just have a few checks to make and then the upload should be up soon.

If any of you think I am straying from The CROSAIRE ways, then please just me know as soon as you can and also any comments about the blog our previous puzzles are very much appreaciated!

Happy Puzzling.

P.s I stay very close to Croasire puzzle but add a few more to make some answers original but always abide by the rules that are non-existent :)